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(On-going Projects)

AFCDThe Establishment of Asian Food Composition Database (AFCD) project is designed to develop the nutritional information database of the food culture of each of the participating member countries. The food composition table/database can be used to manage the supply and demand of agricultural products, formulate nutrition improvement strategies, promote dietary management, and boost the food industry.

Expected Output

  • Generation and exchange of nutritional information/ideas/knowledge on food resources in Asia among AFACI member countries
  • Strengthened solidarity among members countries and preserved biodiversity and food culture of the Asia region
  • Value enhancement and promotion of agricultural products in the market through the provision of nutritional information. Furthermore, this information can be used by farmers in choosing crops to be cultivated.
  • Maintenance of Asian health through the nutritional management plan. National nutritional improvement plan is established by figuring out the status of nutrition intake of the AFACI member countries.
  • Establishment of a national food production plan by managing the supply and demand of national agricultural products

Partners (13)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam

Salt-Tolerant RiceThis project aims to develop, test, and disseminate stress-tolerant rice varieties in ten AFACI member countries. In particular, the project will be testing and releasing short-term drought-tolerant varieties suitable to direct seeding in these countries. Likewise, the project will be testing rice breeding lines developed under the IRRI-RDA GUVA project, which can withstand submergence and salinity conditions in some AFACI member countries.

Expected Output

  • Operational breeding networks developed in relevant sites in the target countries (3-5 sites per country).
  • Short-term DSR-suitable drought tolerant breeding lines developed and tested in the target countries.
  • Short-term submergence and/or salinity tolerant breeding lines developed and tested in Vietnam, Cambodia and Sri Lanka.
  • Medium to long-term submergence and/or salinity tolerant rice breeding lines developed and tested for Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Lao PDR, and Bangladesh.
  • IRRI-GUVA project material tested in one irrigated site in the target member countries.
  • Enhanced capacity of national partners in the areas of stress phenotyping, data management and breeding methods.

Partners (13)

Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Korea, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

Salt-Tolerant RiceThis project is necessary to promote system improvement and implement capacity building programs based on identified needs of AFACI member countries.

Expected Output

  • Improvement of agricultural extension and capacity building system to strengthen agricultural competitiveness
  • Establishment of a global network and cooperation basis by spreading Korea’s agricultural extension model

Partners (15)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kyrgyz, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS)

Salt-Tolerant Rice To identify the real-time and joint action for the occurrence of rambling pests in Asia through monitoring system in AMIVS, obtain information of BPH biotype spreading in rice production centers in member countries, study and obtain brown planthopper endosymbiont bacteria that are capable of acting as insecticide degraders and assess the role of egg parasitoids of FAW, Spodoptera frugiperda.

Expected Output

  • Information on migrating pest as early warning system
  • Spreading information of BPH biotypes in rice production centers
  • Recommendation of endosymbiont potential for controlling brown planthoppers
  • Standard concept for BPH biotype characterization method
  • Data of competitiveness and potential of egg parasitoids as biological controllers of FAW
  • Reducing farmers' dependence on pesticides and reducing the negative impacts of synthetic pesticides.

Partners (11)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)

Salt-Tolerant Rice This Project aims to develop/identify suitable varieties for desirable traits like resistance to biotic and abiotioc stress, high yielding, good shelf life, etc.; identify and initiate vegetable breeding technologies in the country through the capacity building on breeding technologies; and contribute to sustainable vegetable production and food self-sufficiency goals of nation and augment income generation by making good varieties available to the farming population.

Expected Output

  • Registration of superior fixed species/lines (tomato, chili peppers), development of F1 varieties, and dissemination of varieties to farmers
  • 30% increase in productivity by utilizing superior varieties developed by member countries
  • Establishment of a virus disease diagnosis system for major crops in each member country

Partners (14)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, World Vegetable Center (WorldVeg)

Salt-Tolerant Rice To establish a fully operational National Soil Information Systems to effectively manage soil resources, develop National Soil Health Indices and National Soil Health Dashboards for assessment and monitoring of Soil Health indicators, promote and improve soil education and awareness via EduSOILS initiative.

Expected Output

  • Utilization of the National Soil Information System and National Soil Health Dashboard as decision-support tools for various stakeholders
  • Increase the availability, accessibility, and accuracy of soil-related data and information
  • EduSOILS can further improve soil education and awareness.

Partners (14)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

(Completed Projects)

AMISAgro-meteorological Information for the Adaptation to Climate Change (AMIS) project is designed to collect and analyze local agro-meteorological data for utilization of and dissemination to end-users. This also aims to understand the management service of agro-meteorological observation system to improve reliability of agro-meteorological data towards reducing climate change damage in the Asian region.

Expected Output

  • Collection of high quality basic agro-meteorological data
  • Understanding climate change impacts on the agriculture sector
  • Production of agro-meteorological information for agricultural applications such as drought index, growing degree day, among others
  • Classification of agro-climatic zone using collected agro-meteorological data
  • Improved capacities in maintaining and managing an Automatic Weather System (AWS)

Partners (11)

Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea

AnGRAnimal Genetic Resources (AnGR) project is designed to collect information on breeds of indigenous livestock species, trait specification, and population structure. This also aims to develop disease control programs, feeding, and breeding systems that are appropriate to the climate and natural resources available for animal feed by country.

Expected Output

  • Updated information on breeds of indigenous livestock species, trait specification and population structure
  • Catalogue of animal genetic resources in Asia
  • Knowledge sharing on livestock genetic resources among AFACI member countries

Partners (13)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea

ANSOFTAsian Network for Sustainable Organic Farming Technology (ANSOFT) was established as one of AFACI projects in 2009. A joint work program among 11 AFACI member-countries, the ANSOFT aims to contribute to the sharing and transfer of knowledge and the development of new organic technologies among people who are interested in organic agriculture. This network also promotes Asian organic farming system and contributes to the development of organic agriculture, nationally and internationally.

Expected Output

  • Database system for organic farming technology, alternative techniques for pest and soil management, traditional knowledge and natural resources
  • Knowledge sharing on organic agricultural technology and successful experiences
  • Development of a model village on organic agriculture

Partners (14)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea

ATINAgricultural Technology Information Network in Asia (ATIN) aims to establish a standardized network and/or web-based information database system for agricultural knowledge and information sharing among the member countries.

Expected Output

  • Improved AFACI homepage with a suitable web environment fit for the standard web-platform of AFACI
  • Annual Evaluation Meeting of AFACI projects in each member country and publication of AFACI Annual Report
  • Renovated database of agricultural information based on the research output and on the latest information on agricultural technology
  • Publication and distribution of agricultural books and crop calendars for farmers
  • Standardized website for each member country

Partners (14)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea

CassavaCassava project aims to improve cassava production by mechanization, reduction of postharvest losses and development of postharvest processing technologies, and by establishing a network among Asian countries.

The project identifies areas for mechanization and develops suitable machines for production and postharvest processing and value adding.

Expected Output

  • Establishment and dissemination of appropriate cassava crop production and postharvest processing technologies suited to the needs of cassava farmers in their local conditions

Partners (8)

Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea

GAPGood Agricultural Practices (GAP) project aims to improve the quality and safety of agricultural produce in Asian countries through the establishment of locally appropriate GAP systems and agri-produce safety information network among member countries.

Expected Output

  • Development of national level GAP standards and practical manuals on primary production of one or two major crops which are cultivated and consumed in participating countries
  • Establishment of International Agricultural Produce Safety Information Network among AFACI member countries for exchanging current safety issues and useful information

Partners (13)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea

IMPGRIntegrated Management System of Plant Genetic Resources (IMPGR) is designed to strengthen the capacity of the member countries on effective management of plant genetic resources for sustainable use through collection, regeneration, characterization, and conservation.

Expected Output

  • Collection and conservation of PGRs for agriculture and related industry, and future generation of participating countries
  • Reliable management system supported by characterization, assessment, distribution, monitoring, passport and other related data documentation
  • Improved networking among countries to increase the usability within the framework of easy access and safe conservation

Partners (14)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea

IPMIntegrated Pest Management (IPM) project leads to the establishment of a collaboration network among Asian countries for efficient management of pests and diseases of horticultural crops, particularly on migrating RPH and associated rice viruses.

Expected Output

  • Collection and dissemination of annual monitoring information on RPH and rice viruses in member countries through the AMIVS platform (www.amivs.org)
  • Development and distribution of practical tools and essential molecular kits for the identification of rice planthoppers and associated viruses to apply for field conditions
  • Analysis of the genetic diversity of planthoppers and virus populations occurring in the Asian region
  • Examination of the biological and ecological characteristics of vegetable pests which are mostly related to the transmission of viruses in the Asian region.

Partners (13)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea

Post-harvestThe Postharvest project is geared towards reducing the postharvest losses and improving the quality of horticultural crops among member countries through the establishment of a network and model manual on postharvest technology.

Expected Output

  • Model manuals on postharvest handling of horticultural crops cultivated and consumed in participating countries
  • Practical postharvest management diagram of fresh fruits and vegetables such as tomato, cabbage, pepper, onion, pear, mango, and banana from field to consumer

Partners (14)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea

RiceRice, the staple food of the majority of Asian countries, plays a crucial role in achieving food sufficiency. This project intends to develop technologies to improve rice production among member countries. Research initiatives are geared to develop varieties that are resistant to pest and diseases, and tolerant to unfavorable environmental conditions in Asia. It also promotes the advancement of rice mechanization and post harvest technologies that are suitable to the respective member countries’ condition.

Expected Output

  • Development and promotion of mechanized rice production system adaptable to Southeast Asia
  • Improved income of rice growers and self-sufficiency of staple food in the region through increased rice production.

Partners (10)

Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea

Seed-Extension(New)Seed-Extension project demonstrates the agricultural extension system through the conduct of field demonstration for new varieties of major crops (i,e. rice, wheat, legume, mung beans, etc). It is aimed to boost the distribution of superior seeds to farms by managing field trials of a local variety recommended by a country.

Expected Output

  • Establishing seed production system of staple crops at the national level and its field demonstration system in each country.
  • Nurturing demonstration farms to distribute new agricultural technology and distribute cultivation technology to produce high quality products.

Partners (13)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea

Seed-Potato(New)Seed-Potato is endeavored to stabilize the potato industry among the member countries by providing technologies in the production of quality virus-free potato seeds. This project particularly looks into new systems of cultivation conditions for each country's potato variety.

Expected Output

  • Increased farm income in Asian countries by producing quality potato seeds.
  • Building a foundation for exports of Korean seed potato production technology with a patent.
  • Increasingly promoting Korean image in Asia by assisting seed production technologies in Asian countries.

Partners (14)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea

SericultureThis project aims to establish a cooperation system of sericulture technology in Asia. Specifically, this aims to develop high yielding and pest resistant mulberry varieties adaptable to local climatic condition of member countries. The project also establishes a silkworm egg production system under various climatic conditions in the respective member-countries.

Expected Output

  • Establishment of silkworm egg production system under various climatic conditions in participating countries
  • High yielding and pest resistant mulberry varieties adaptable to local climatic condition selected/developed for subsistence and commercial farmers and semi urban dwellers

Partners (6)

Cambodia, Lao PDR, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea

Soil FertilitySoil Fertility project is implemented with the goal of evaluating soil fertility indicators toward improving its productivity. The project contributes to the enhancement of agricultural productivity through application and sharing of technologies that promote sustainable soil and water resources management.

Expected Output

  • Identified crop growth stages sensitive to soil moisture stress specifically for upland rice and onion
  • Identified crop water requirement and crop coefficient (Kc) specifically for upland rice and tomato crops

Partners (11)

Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea

Salt-Tolerant RiceAPPT is geared towards developing processing technology of target agricultural product which has lots of production and is easily processible by small-scale food producer

Expected Output

  • Number of scientific papers, ingredient analysis of agricultural product, and manufactured product trials

Partners (13)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea

Salt-Tolerant RiceSalt-tolerant rice project is in line with the AFACI member countries’ need for superior salt-tolerant rice genotypes suitable to their coastal saline soils to minimize the salt damage. Project also targets to develop the cultivation manual.

Expected Output

  • Food availability and better productivity in coastal saline ecologies for better livelihood
  • Awareness-raising of the associated management practices to grow rice under salt-affected coastal areas

Partners (10)

Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea

Salt-Tolerant Rice The Atlas aims to (1) raise awareness amongst the general public, land managers/owners, policy makers, politicians, NGOs and other scientific communities on the importance of soil in Asia; (2) support policies and instruments for investment, agriculture, environmental issues, climate change, development and aid assistance, urban planning, and others; (3) provide educational material to schools and universities to support learning; and (4) provide a baseline for further soil assessments in the region.

Expected Output

  • Production of national maps for the Soil Atlas of Asia
  • Production of national soil profile databases and property maps
  • Establishment of national soil information systems
  • Establishment of the Online learning platform

Partners (14)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Salt-Tolerant Rice To contribute to increasing farmers’ income by improving productivity through the establishment of disease-resistant breeding technology system for the collection required by member-countries.

Expected Output

  • Adaptation of climate change and productivity improvement of vegetable through the development of disease-resistant vegetable varieties
  • Production of high-quality vegetable utilizing superior vegetable varieties

Partners (14)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Myanmar, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, World Vegetable Center (WorldVeg)

Salt-Tolerant Rice To implement proper management of rice planthoppers (RPH) and improve rice productivity in Asia through the exchange of information on the pest occurrence (such as migrating RPH and moth kinds), technology development, and application of pest control.

Expected Output

  • Establishment of a pest control system against major pests of rice.
  • Blockage of inflow of domestic flying pest through appropriate pest management in Southern East Asia, the source of pest such as rice planthoppers, Fall Armyworm, etc.
  • Contribution to increasing rice production.

Partners (12)

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam (North and South)

(Upcoming NEW Projects)